
1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus is unavailable, but you can change that!

Paul’s letters to Timothy and Titus, commonly called the Pastoral Epistles, are Paul’s last letters before his martyrdom. Although written in the first century, they are very relevant for church life today. Contemporary issues such as the inspiration and authority of scripture, the characteristics of church leaders, the role of women, and the nature of holiness were high on Paul’s priority list...

From the letter itself we learn that Paul had left Timothy in charge at Ephesus while he himself travelled on to Macedonia (1:3). Timothy was instructed by Paul to oppose a group of false teachers who were troubling the Ephesian congregation, and to bring things back to normal. For this reason 1 Timothy could be described as a little book of church order, the first of its kind in Christian history. In Paul’s own words he is writing to Timothy so that he may know how
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